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Monday, 11 April 2011

Initial Script

1. Inside Vishals bedroom - int / day (morning)
In a normal average house, we see a typical teenagers bedroom, messy, untidy, with big posters on the wall. We see think that a person is sleeping as we can not see the character, as Vishals head is under the duvet. We also see the mobile phone on the side which makes us think that it is just about to go off.

(First Action) Vishal under his duvet, gets up to snooze his alarm, and this is the first we see his face. Gradually he gets out of bed and walks out of his room. He then enters the bathroom, and the camera is still running but we don't see anything, only hear the general routine. The effect of not showing when he enters the bathroom is to create tension so the audience thinks its a black out. He then walks back into his room and once again a black-out.

2. Outside Vishals House - ext / day (morning)
He walks out of the house dressed as a typical teenager. The audience does not think he is bad person or anything which would mean he is a bad influence or a ruthless teenager.

3. Vishal travelling to Beavers Park - ext / day (morning)

We see Vishal approaching in the distance on a bike. We already see another guy coming towards him looking very suspicious. Suddenly they make a sudden handshake, where the drug and money have been exchanged. Then very quickly Vishal leaves him and travels to another destination, which we don't know where. Now he is at the entrance of the park and we see another guy coming towards him. He has a strange way of walking and has a very wide jaw. Vishal then quickly exchanged the money for the weapon.

4. Vishal going to College - ext / day (morning)
Vishal was cycling but we see him now entering a college, we know this because he stood there  for a couple of seconds thinking whether it is his college or not, as he is suffering from schizophrenia. He walks in and we also see him through CCTV footage. 

5. Vishal inside College - int / day morning

We know see him going up some stairs with a baseball bat, this was the weapon he bought from the drug money. He walks into a classroom and the buzzer goes off.

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