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Friday, 8 April 2011


Christopher Johnathan James Nolan
Born on 30 July 1970 in london, England. Christopher Nolan has written and directed 20 films. He has also produced 6 titles so far. Some of the great films he has directed has been Memento, Insomnia, The Dark Knight and Inception.

In all of his films he often:
  • Begins his movies and introduces his main characters with a close up shot of their hands performing an action.
  • Casts british or non-American actors in American roles.
  • Casts Christian Bale and Michael Caine.
  • Starts films with a flashback or a scene from the end of the movie.
  • When shooting a dialogue scene, the actors are framed with a wide close up shot with a shallow depth of field to blur out the background.
  • His main characters are usually men who face adversity.
  • He has characters that are affected by some kind of psychological disorder.
  • The storyline of his films involve a character seeking vengeance over the death of a loved one.
  • Uses hard cuts when transitioning to the next scenes.
  • Uses camera revolving around a character.

Steven Allan Spielberg
Born on 18 December 1947 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Steven Spielberg, winner of three Oscars,  has written and directed 70 films. He has also produced 126 films. Some of the award winning films that he directed include: Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Tempe of Doom, Schindler's List and Jurassic Park.

In all of his films he often:
  • Uses flash lights in dark scenes. The light is often visible through dust, mist or fog.
  • Uses music by John Williams.
  • Often films shooting stars.
  • Often uses footage of the sun.
  • Often shows children in danger.
  • Refers to world war two.
  • Refers to Disney films, music, or theme parks.
  • Uses the piano as an element in important scenes.
  • Important images, or characters, are seen through a car's rear-view mirror.
  • Casts Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise.

Michael Benjamin Bay
Born on 17 February 1965 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Micheal Bay has directed 14 films and has produced 24 films. Some of the great films he has directed include: Transformers, Pearl Harbour, Bad Boys and Armageddon.

In all of his films he often:
  • Uses intense slow motion shots of characters.
  • Uses a US president giving a major speech before a major action occurs.
  • Has the camera moving during scenes. 
  • Uses flashes to make scenes better.
  • Has over the top visuals.
  • Uses intense music during car chase scenes.
  • Uses shots of a aircraft against the sun, especially helicopters.
  • Uses a slow-motion shot of an object crashing towards the camera.
  • Uses a 360 degree shot around the characters.
  • Uses scenes that involve characters running or moving towards the camera.
  • Big explosions.
  • Uses one black character in comic roles.
  • Uses a shot of pilots running toward their aircraft.
  • Uses at least one shot of a man screaming in slow motion.

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