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Friday, 8 April 2011

Mind maps exploring characters

This is a mind map of the character Gary, in the film he buys drugs off Vishal, who needs the money to buy a weapon.

This shows that Gary's' personality is well suited because it automatically combines with Vishals. This can also show how teenagers become influenced by the movies that are targeted at them. An example of this is 'Adulthood', which is aimed at normal teenagers, which teaches and encourages them to do certain things, which are morally wrong.

This is a mind map of the main character Vishal. He is the first character we see and the last character we see. He is a troubled teenager and suffers from schizophrenia which means he hears other voices in his head.

This is a mind map of Mohamed. As part of our development we changed his name to Mosley. In the film, Vishal meets up with Mosley to get the hockey stick. He sells goods to his clients which range from weapons, drugs and furniture. He is good friends with Vishal.

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