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Friday, 8 April 2011


Our media product does represent a particular social group. It represents teenagers in underprivileged areas. It also represents Yobs demonstrated by Shivam, people with mental disorders demonstrated by Vishal and addicts demonstrated by Gary. Also it may attract the  British-Asian audience due to the ethnicity of the actors involved.  However looking back at the product, we could have better demonstrated the effects of what schizophrenia was doing to Vishal.

We think Revolver Entrainment would distribute our product. Revolver Entertainment is a international distribution company based in the UK and Los Angeles . We think they would distribute our product because the company focuses on urban films such as: Kidulthood, Shank and Anuvahood. Also they claim to be 'experts in youth entertainment'.

Our media product is mainly targeted at teenagers and young adults under 21. However we think that everyone can relate to the product in some way or another.

We attracted our audience by creating a title that would appeal to a younger audience. Also teenagers would be attracted to the music that we produced because it has a high tempo and a high pitch.  We addressed this audience by developing these characters and creating a plot that focuses on what some teenagers go through.

Technology was a big part of this project. While filming we used two cameras. Early on during production the school camera had low battery so we could not film that much. Also when we played back the footage it was pixelated and you could not see the image properly. This might have been cause by a technical difficulty.

As a result of this we decided to use another camera that Vishal had. This camera was much better because it was fully charged every time we filmed. So we could film for longer. Furthermore the footage was clear when we filmed on his camera. However it used another input compared to the school camera and Vishal did not have the wire to it. So there was some difficulty in processing footage on the computer. However we overcame this problem by using a memory card and memory card reader to copy the footage on the computer.

Looking back at the final product, we have made a huge amount of progress as a whole, compared to the preliminary task we made. We learnt about different camera angles from films. We learn how to use Apple software such as IMovie and GarageBand. We learnt more about the technology we were using such as: video conversion, camera inputs and different formats that cameras use. We learnt about the effects of text and colour in a media product. We also learnt and improved our other skills such as time management, co-operation and team building.

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