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Friday, 8 April 2011


Camera angles:
At the beginning we thought that the whole film would use a point of view shot. However we decided that using more angles would demonstrate our skills as being directors. Therefore, in our project we used a wide range of camera angles and a wide range of perspectives. We included:
Point of view shot
Low angle shot
High angle shot
Long shot
Medium shot
Close up shot.

All these shots were effective especially the POV shot because this made the viewer feel as though there were in the characters shoes. Another effective shot was the high angle shot because if felt as though the character was being watched constantly. As a result this created tension. We altered the low angle shots by placing the camera on the floor or resting it on the props.

However the shots that were not very effective were the medium shots because they did not create enough tension that was required. Also

We created our music on GarageBand. We first made a basic initial version of our music using installed loops. At this stage we were experimenting with the instruments on the software and we were learning how to use it. This resulted in a basic version, which did not really suit the genre of our film.

We created a second version were we applied more advanced skills such as longer loops, more instruments, better use of different channels and better synchronization between instruments.

When we edited the film our music extract was too short compared to the length of the film. So we lengthened our extract.

At first we decided that the main character, Vishal would be wearing school uniform through the extract because the drug and weapon trades would be done before school starts. However we decided that a person in a suit dealing drugs and weapons would not look right and would be pointless. So we decided that Vishal would be wearing his own clothes, which would suit the theme of the film.

Also we thought that we were going to use a baseball bat in the weapon trade. However we used a hockey stick instead. We made this decision because we did not have access to a bat at the time.

During the film Vishal changed his jeans. This affects the continuity of the extract. However, after watching the extract,  this change is not very noticeable.

Time management:
We completed our filming and editing on time. However we could have planned our time more effectively. If we did this we could have finished our project early on and we could have focused more time on editing.

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