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Sunday 10 April 2011

Casting Shots

These are the three main characters in our opening scene:

Name: Vishal Martin (Vishal Sehgal)
Street Name: Vish
Date Of Birth: 27/12/1992
Information: Suffers from Schizophrenia and so he can easily hang around with the wrong crowd. His personality changes and in the area he lives in, people look at him not normal. He does not have many friends and so he finds it difficult to socialise. He can be the kindest person you know, but can switch to become very aggressive. He is very extreme and sells drugs to make a living. 

Name: Gary Miller (Gary Deol)
Street Name: Gazzer
Date Of Birth: 07/11/1992
Information: The crack-addict. Lives on his own and got kicked out the house after he got excluded from school. His family has not contacted him in 2 years and he lives in a "crack den". He has lost his job and spends all of his money he has on drugs.

Name: Mosley Jenkinson (Shivam Malkan)
Street Name: Big Mo
Date Of Birth: 12/04/1991
Information: The big time shotter. He sells a variety of goods ranging from weapons to furniture to make a living. He lives with his dad. Mum? He didn’t know who she is - she left him at an early age. He tries to be on top of his education even though he does hang around with the wrong crowd.

We had a special guest appearance from Gurpreet Chatha. He played the part of an average teenager going to the shops. He had a bike which he left outside a shop. This was the bike Vishal stole and used to travel around.

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