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Monday, 21 March 2011


In this lesson we got a booklet of there will be blood written by Paul Thomas Anderson which included the:
  • final shooting script
  • production schedule
  • opening sequence planning
First we annotated and talked about the shooting script of there will be blood. Then we filled out our production schedule opening sequence planning. While we were doing this we talked about our ideas and developed them. Then towards the end of the lesson we created our own script by using the script of there will be blood as an example. Also we received feedback form the questionnaires.


In this lesson we got a sheet to plan our storyboard of our project.


In this lesson we learnt about what to include in out risk assessment and timetable. In the risk assessment we included:
  • risk
  • prevention method
  • worst case scenario
  • what is at risk and a plan B
In our timetable we included:
  • the days of the week
  • the weeks
  • hours a week
For homework we created a questionnaire of 10 questions and we used random sampling.


In this lesson we learnt about storyboards. We have to set up each scene like this:

Film title:
Type of shot:
Sound effects:

Then we watched the introduction to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy directed by Garth Jennings and we made a storyboard.


At the beginning of the lesson we discussed how genre can be established in film. Then we watched title sequences to movies and during this we wrote down what things in the extract can be used to establish genre. The three extracts that we watched were:
  • Portrait of a lady-romance
  • Natural born killers-action
  • Blades of glory-comedy
Then we made a ven diagram of these extracts.


At the beginning of the lesson we made up five questions related to camera angles and then we gave it to fellow classmates to answer. My questions included:
1.            Describe a two shot.
2.            Name five distances you can establish in camera shots.
3.            What is the shot called from a persons point of view?
4.            Describe a reverse shot.
5.            Name three camera angles.

Then we learnt about continuity and the 180 degrees rule. 


The learning outcomes where all of us will understand the importance of coursework and some of us will understand the importance of coursework and film openings. We then got questions to answer after watching title sequences to movies. We watched five extracts in total. The extracts included:
  • Dracula-Francis Ford Coppola
  • Romeo and Julliet-Baz luhrmann
  • Schindler's List-Steven Spielberg
  • Insomnia-Christopher Nolen
The questions were:
1.            How is genre established?
2.            What is iconography and why is it important?


This was an introduction lesson to the coursework that we will be doing from now on. We found out that our coursework is going to be on video and what we are going to produce. We received two tasks. One was a continuity task which involved filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom he/she exchange a couple lines of dialogue. We were told that this extract should include match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degrees rule.

The main task was to construct the titles and opening of a new action film, to last a maximum of two minutes.

In both of these tasks the audio material must be original, produced by the candidate, with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright free source.

We also looked over the marking scheme for the coursework. There were 100 marks in total which were distributed into three sections:
Research and planning

In the second half of the lesson we saw the five minute opening scene to The Dark Knight directed by Christopher Nolan. We were given four questions to answer while we watched the scene:
  1. What can you see and hear in the clip?
  2. What is the main purpose of the opening sequence?
  3. How does it link to what is to come?
  4. How does it aim to catch the viewers attention?